The Amazon rainforest is home to millions of diverse species, a provider of resources to
millions of people and a place full of wonder and beauty.
Yet, a mysterious and unknown country had sent 100 drones filled with flammable materials
to the Amazon with a clear intention: to burn it down.
Luckily, the drones were all detected in time by the surveillance technology of neighbouring
countries and they were shot down. So far, no harm was done to the Amazon and
neighbouring countries are all keeping close attention to their borders and any other potential
threats that could arise.
This instantly sparked a debate between countries on who had sent the drones and how to
prevent any future harm that could happen in case this country strikes again.
Italy was the first to speak up: “[The delegation of Italy] believes that the Democratic
People's Republic of Korea (North Korea) is responsible for sending the drones. [The
delegation] believes that we should put heavy sanctions on them instantly.”
Iran shared similar views with Italy: “[The delegation of Iran] completely agrees with Italy.
North Korea has been quiet during the discussion of possible solutions to solving the
deforestation of the Amazon. It is best to put sanctions on drone parts to ensure they don’t get
their hands on any more possible weapons that could harm the Amazon.”
Mexico then promptly gave us even more insight and possible evidence: “[The delegation of
Mexico] is highly suspicious of North Korea. During our unmoderated caucus, North Korea
joined our bloc but they only mentioned nuking the Amazon as a solution and how it would
be fast and effective. It is more important than ever to stop any efforts of this and [the
delegation] heavily supports sanctions on North Korea.”
North Korea did not speak or engage with any of the other countries and remained silent. We
had no extra evidence on whether or not it was actually North Korea that had sent the nukes
and had wanted to burn the Amazon down but it has been widely assumed by other countries
that it indeed was the plan of North Korea.
Luckily, no harm was done and all the countries have become more cautious in their surveillance