VYMUN is proud to offer 14 committees covering a vast array of subjects.
Our staffing team has worked diligently to develop engaging topics relevant to our current geopolitical climate. Our goal is to broaden delegates' perspectives by guiding them through the complex subject matter in a learning-based environment. VYMUN is designed for youth delegates who are interested in exploring international issues and learning more about negotiation, compromise, and resolution. Our team is committed to providing students with the guidance to pursue debate, confidence to speak up, and the support required to succeed. Beyond this, we strive to support new and experienced delegates alike; when considering committees please look at both the expected difficulty of the committee and the topics in order to select what is right for you or your students. To view the available positions in each committee, please view the Country Matrix.
The position paper deadline is Wednesday, October 16th at 11:59 PDT. Please submit your papers to your committee Director.
For any committee-related questions, please contact your committee Director or
The VYMUN 2024 Delegate Handbook linked above includes a detailed Rules of Procedure Guide, Draft Resolution Guide, and ROP Flowchart.
VYMUN is proud to announce that this year's Delegate Handbook is digital. To obtain the handbook please click the link and download our app.
*Committee pages are not yet available
VYMUN Junior
Unless otherwise stated, all committees at VYMUN will follow the Regular Rules of Procedure.
Crisis Committees feature only one topic and follow Crisis Rules of Procedure. The House of Commons follows special Rules of Procedure, the Standing Orders of the House of Commons. The International Press Corps will follow its own special committee procedures.