What's the core reasoning behind your public conflict with King Louis II?
He’s stood for nothing until it benefits him because his family has allowed for the
destruction of France. As soon as the people decided to do something, to not stand for
it; they turned their backs on them. Therefore, he has no stand as our leader.
What will your next move be if the French people decide to not cooperate?
The French people have lost so much in the past years due to the revolution so if they
were to disapprove of me or my policies, it’d be because of the misunderstanding of
more conflict to come.
Why shouldn’t your loyalties to other nations in Europe end?
Spain, for example, is only looking at the fine details of the numbers that’ll be lost
and not the broader benefit of separation between the monarchy and France. Their
support is hindering but if they, as well as other countries- stick with us in the long
run; they’ll benefit from it.
Do you regret any actions taken?
I believe that we did what was required of us in the situation but I do regret some of
the losses on all sides. I acknowledge that it was harmful but I think it was
Initial interview segment; King Louis XVII
What's the core reasoning behind your public conflict with Napoleon?
Napoleon is not only someone I’m highly opposed to but someone that would be
detrimental to the people of France’s sovereignty. What he’s doing is essentially
replacing one highly authoritative government with another and contributing to the
overall decline of this country.
What will your next move be if the French people decide to not cooperate?
Due to me and my family's current exile from France, I fear the dear liberation and
monarchy of my country are both at risk. Only time will tell how this catastrophe will
be resolved.
What do you have to say about Napoleon claiming you’ve “stood for nothing
until it benefits you”?
This is detrimentally false. Whilst Napoleon may speak however he wishes towards
my family, I have always been a man of the people and in favour of the French
having some say over the laws that govern them. The only thing I don’t advocate for
is allowing this fine country to fall into tyranny and distress.
Do you regret any actions taken during your time as king?
I regret not enforcing my will on my people with enough power to enforce a true
regime- one that doesn’t turn its back on a king and family that’s served them for
centuries upon centuries.
The Guardian